December 7, 2007
Rails 2.0: It's done!
Rails 2.0 is finally finished after about a year in the making. This is a fantastic release that’s absolutely stuffed with great new features, loads of fixes, and an incredible...
December 4, 2007
Give your Rails 2.0 application an iPhone UI
Multi-view development is a big deal in Rails 2.0. We’ve made it much simpler to allow the same action to serve many different formats. From HTML to XML to JSON...
December 3, 2007
Learn more about Rails 2.0 through video is running a special series on what’s new in Rails 2.0. They’ve been showing off how to simplify views, how to usethe new foxy fixtures, and how to use...
November 29, 2007
Rails 2.0: Release Candidate 2
After another batch of fixes, tweaks, and buckets of polish, we’ve prepared the hopefully last step before 2.0 can go final: Release Candidate 2. If nothing major pops up, expect...
November 24, 2007
Ruby on Rails 1.2.6: Security and Maintenance Release
The rails core team has released ruby on rails 1.2.6 to address a bug in the fix for session fixation attacks (CVE-2007-5380). The CVE Identifier for this new issue is...
November 20, 2007
New ActiveRecord Book, and a Contest!
To celebrate the launch of their book Pro Active Record: Databases with Ruby on Rails, Chad Pytel and Jon Yurek of thoughtbot kicked off a little contest: We want you...
November 9, 2007
Rails 2.0: Release Candidate 1
We’ve been taking our sweet time, but now it really is almost there. We’ve just pushed new beta gems to and created the rel_2-0-0_RC1 tag. So this is shaping...
November 7, 2007
Prototype 1.6.0 and 1.8.0 released
New versions of the JavaScript libraries that ship with Rails, Prototype 1.6.0 and 1.8.0, have been released. You can find out about the numerous changes on the Prototype blog...
October 30, 2007
RailsConf '08: Call for participation
RailsConf 2008 is set to return to Portland on May 29th through June 1st. It takes a lot of time and coordination to get a conference of that magnitude put...
October 29, 2007
Paris on Rails: December 10th
Paris on Rails is a French-speaking Rails conference that’s taking place in Paris on December 10th. They have a great program for the day with 10 speakers (yours truly included...