The extracted adapter gems are now available for install from the server. Say you want the Oracle adapter installed, you just do gem install activerecord-oracle-adapter. All the extracted gems...
Now seems like a good time to thank the community which helped make our new release a reality. Rails 2.0 includes the work of more than 160 individuals who have...
Behold, behold, Rails 2.0 is almost here. But before we can slap on the final stamp, we’re going to pass through a couple of trial release phases. The first is...
UC Berkeley is teaching Ruby on Rails in its CS198 Rad Labs class. The class is being taught by Dave Patterson, the creator of RISC, SPARC, RAID, and more. Quite...
Jason Hoffman from Joyent had a great tutorial at RailsConf Europe on Scaling a Rails Application from the Bottom Up. It defines the key terms and measurements of scaling and...
The QuarkRuby blog has created a great Ruby on Rails Security Guide that gives you a wealth of links to articles and plugins dealing with security in Rails applications. Everything...
There’s a lot of action going on in the Rails IDE space these days. Besides Aptana RadRails, which has been around for a long time, Sun’s got impressive Rails support...
For a while, the patch queue was getting badly out of hand. The flood of new entries was simply too great to be reasonably managed by a small group of...