A new release of Capistrano is nearly upon us! Before I unleash it upon the world, though, I’d like to have a few brave souls put it through its paces,...
Kevin Clark was written a nice piece on things you shouldn’t be doing in Rails. It starts with a reminder about not using various deprecated pieces of the API, and...
Jon Shumate introduces WebORB: WebORB for Rails is server-side technology enabling connectivity between Flex and Flash Remoting clients and Ruby on Rails applications. WebORB for Rails can be installed as...
I’ve been wracking my brain trying to come up with something to say about The Rails Edge that isn’t already obvious. The problem is that everyone already knows that Dave...
Dan Webb and Luke Redpath have release the latest version of their Unobtrusive Javascript Plugin for Rails. It solves several of the main problems people run into when working with...
Now that the hubbub about the recent security issues has died down, I think it’s worth pointing out a little jewel that was snuck into the 1.1.6 security release of...
After an extended period of troublesome Trac times, we’ve finally addressed the problem once and for all. Courtesy of TextDrive, we now have a new mega-powerful super machine dedicated to...
Don’t worry if you see some mailing list subscriptions in your inbox, we’re simply transferring everything to Google Groups. This takes the incredible load off the Ruby on Rails server...
Justin Gehtland and Stuart Halloway has been moving along at a rapid pace on Streamlined since its unveiling at RailsConf in June. There’s now a public repository with the code...
We’re going to start posting a summary of recent Rails job postings from the 37signals Job Board every few weeks. All of these positions are for Rails programmers, but be...