August 1, 2006
Why you need to come to RailsConf EU
Lars Pind is voicing his concerns over the lack of enthusiasm around RailsConf Europe. I can sympathize with the fears, but allow me to iterate why you need to be...
August 1, 2006
Russian Rails community growing fast
Yaroslav Markin wrote to inform me that the Russian Rails community is experiencing rapid growth and that they’ve now completed a translation of the entire site living at If...
August 1, 2006
System management gone Rails
It’s interesting to see that we have not one but two upcoming system management/surveillance solutions coming off Rails. There’s Spiceworks and FiveRuns. Now get out of beta and Get Real!...
August 1, 2006
Simply Restful in Rails Edge
David committed the simply_restful plugin to the rails this afternoon, ensuring its inclusion with the next release of Rails. Beware, there are a few API changes from the plugin, and...
July 30, 2006
lighttpd makes a proxy comeback
As Mongrel continues to bubble to the top of the preferred production stack, we’ve started to evaluate web servers on their proxy rather than their FCGI support. The lighttpd crew...
July 30, 2006
Testing with CSS selectors
If you have trouble wrapping your head around assert_tag and its options, you might want to give CSS selectors a chance instead. There are currently two plugins for handling that:...
July 30, 2006
Composite primary keys for Active Record
Dr Nic Williams has charged one of the major strongholds of legacy database compatibility with Rails, composite primary keys support. By installing his nimble plugin, you get a very natural...
July 29, 2006
Typo 4.0 released, with Rails App Installer
I’m only a week behind on the release of Typo 4. Typo is one of the oldest and most visible of Rails open source projects, so it’s always nice to...
July 26, 2006
Rails is 2 years old
It seemed to have slipped all of our minds, but yesterday, the 25th of July marks the 2 year anniversary of Rails’ release. Here’s David’s announcement email to the ruby-talk...
July 21, 2006
Rails Conference slides coming soon
Jay Zimmerman just wrote to say that next Wednesday, July 26th, the presentation media for RailsConf 2006 will go on sale to the general public. So if you didn’t get...