Talk proposals are now being accepted for the European Rails Conference, to be held September 14-15 in London. Accepted speakers will get free admission to the conference. Join a line...
We’ve found and fixed a security issue with routing that could cause excess CPU usage in Rails processes when triggered by certain URLs. We strongly encourage anyone running 1.1.x to...
Paul Graham delivered one of the keynotes to an audience of about 550 people this weekend at RailsConf. The text of his talk, The Power of the Marginal, is now...
You may have seen MOG mentioned on BoingBoing or elsewhere earlier this week. It’s the new social networking site that lets music lovers connect based on what they’re into, keep...
RailsDay 2006 is in progress! Teams around the world will be working furiously all day to produce the best application possible in 24 hours. This year, you can watch the...
Rails performance specialist Stefan Kaes, who writes extensively about optimizing Rails over at Rails Express has a lengthy article at the new InfoQ site called A Look at Common Performance...
In 1988, Ward Cunningham (yes, that Ward Cunningham) came up with an idea to use index cards as a tool for object-oriented design. I was working for Kent Beck at...
Cody Fauser has just announced the release of his PDF-only book RJS Templates for Rails. From almost the day we checked rjs into the repository, Cody was quickly singling himself...
Hopefully you didn’t notice, but I’ve been very busy this weekend. I finally took the plunge and got all the Rails applications that run on this machine up to snuff....
We all know that for some time this blog has needed some love. Well at last it can be told: There’s been a super-secret project underway for a while to...