March 22, 2006
Rails meeting in Amsterdam on March 30th
Thijs and crew from fingertips is arranging a Rails meet-up in Amsterdam on March 30th. Swing by if you’re in the neighborhood.
March 22, 2006
It's raining awards for Rails
First we snatched the Jolt Award for Rails 1.0, now the RadRails team has snatched the Best Open Source Eclipse-based Developer Tool at EclipseCon. Rock on, guys!
March 22, 2006
Rails 1.1: Release Candidate 1 available
It’s been roughly three months since the release of the big one-oh. That’s obviously an eternity in Rails time, so its about high time we’re getting ready for the release...
March 20, 2006
Software setup behind Robot Co-op
For those who were interested by last week’s post on the Robot Co-op’s hardware setup, Eric Hodel has posted a follow up detailing the Robot Co-op’s software setup. If you...
March 20, 2006
Rails Training Coast to Coast (and beyond)
Mike and Dave are mobilizing their perpetually sold out Pragmatic Rails Studio again. This time, they’re hitting both coasts of the USA. First in Portland on April 10 followed by...
March 19, 2006
Quick PDF generation with RTex
Bruce Williams of Naviance recently announced his RTex plugin. It exposes your controller data to rtex views that output LaTeX which is convereted to PDF. To install you can use...
March 19, 2006
i5labs pushing the limits of Rails
In November, PlanetMoon launched Infected, a first-person shooter game for Playstation Portable. The PSP game has two-pieces, one, the actual PSP game (which is C++), and a statistics reporting tool...
March 18, 2006
Ruby/Rails in the Valley: the Silicon Valley Ruby Conference
David Black sends along this note about the upcoming Silicon Valley Ruby Conference, which features Rails core’s own Marcel Molina Jr. and Jeremy Kemper: Ruby Central is a name you...
March 16, 2006
Auto sanitized templates with Erubis
Last month on the Rails core mailing list, a thread popped up (that went on and on) wherein the idea was proposed that rhtml templates should automatically sanitize output by...
March 16, 2006
Interview with Tobias Lutke of Shopify
The decidedly right-brained Amy Hoy sat down for an interview with with core member and Rails old-timer Tobias Lütke. They talk about Jaded Pixel’s greatly anticipated Shopify as well as...