February 6, 2006
Canada on Rails is here too
In the flurry of enthusiasm over the official RailsConf, Canada on Rails seems to have been a bit forgotten. It’s going down in Vancouver on April 13th and 14th. I’ll...
February 6, 2006
The argon express to RailsConf
Planet Argon and friends have arranged a cross-country rails ride from Portland to Chicago for RailsConf. They’re inviting you to jump on board.
February 6, 2006
Testing the view with Selenium
Selenium enables you to test the view by driving it through a real browser. This allows you to test that your application works correctly in multiple browsers and that the...
February 6, 2006
RailsConf: 65% 80% of the seats sold!
RailsConf was announced less than a week ago and the seats are going faster than snappy quick. Of the 400 tickets for sale, 265 were gone as of this morning....
February 4, 2006
Rails Recipes premieres in beta book form
Chad Fowler has completed the first draft of the initial 21 chapters for Rails Recipes and is now making the work available as a beta book for purchase. The final...
February 2, 2006
RailsConf 2006 selling fast
We opened up registration for RailsConf 2006 just over 12 hours ago and already have over 100 people signed up! Dave Thomas and Mike Clark’s Guidebook session is also already...
February 2, 2006
RailsConf 2006: Open for registration!
The first official Rails conference has opened its doors to registrations and is tempting with a wide variety of auxiliary announcements. While all the sessions haven’t been announced yet, the...
February 1, 2006
Secrets Behind Ruby on Rails: The Numbers
ITConversations has just made David’s OSCON 2005 keynote, Secrets Behind Ruby on Rails, available for download. One of the big stories for Rails in August was the numbers behind its...
January 26, 2006
Running Rails on the LiteSpeed webserver
The LiteSpeed Web Server is a commercial engine made to be largely config-compatible with Apache, but promising massive speed increases. If the web server is the bottleneck in your setup,...
January 26, 2006
Camping: A micro-version of Rails
why the lucky stiff is at it again with his great stuff. This time he has produced a microframework called Camping in the spirit and feel of Rails, but clocking...