October 10, 2005
Typo theme contest: Win cool stuff!
Geoffrey Grosenbach has put together a Typo theme contest to get a whole bunch of cool new blog designs generated for the premiere Rails blogging engine. You can win the...
October 8, 2005
Rake 0.6.2 fixes incompatibilities
Jim Weirich has released Rake 0.6.2, which fixes the incompatibilities that earlier 0.6.x releases had with Rails. Just fire up gems and do “gem install rake” to get the latest....
October 8, 2005
Distributing Rails applications easily
Erik Veenstra has written a very cool guide on how to package Rails applications for easy distribution as native executables on Windows, OS X, and Linux.
October 7, 2005
Asterisk on Rails at O'Reilly Emerging Telephony
Joe Heitzeberg is going to be presenting a session at O’Reilly’s upcoming Emerging Telephony conference on Asterisk on Rails. His work goes to make the open-source PBX easier to use...
October 6, 2005
Learn Ruby on Rails from the Pragmatics
Dave Thomas and Mike Clark has just announced the Pragmatic Studio and their intentions to run a Rails Studio as their first workshop. It’ll be two days of action-packed Ruby...
October 5, 2005
RadRails: Eclipse-based IDE specifically for Ruby on Rails
Since not everyone has yet switched to a Mac and can enjoy the benefits of TextMate, we need people working on better editor and IDE support for other platforms. RadRails...
October 5, 2005
Ruby on Rails in Wired by Tim O'Reilly
Tim O’Reilly recently did a piece called “What’s on Tim’s Radar?”. It features a handful of concepts and software that Tim O’Reilly believes to be “…innovative, world-changing, or just plain...
October 3, 2005
Writeboard: The 4th 37signals' application on Rails
Writeboards are collaborative documents with version control, difference tracking, and comments. They’re created through Writeboard.com, the latest Rails application from 37signals. And if you happen to have a Backpack, you...
September 29, 2005
Locomotive 0.2.4: Easy Rails for OS X
Ryan Raaum has just released a new version of Locomotive. It’s a collection of all the necessary dependencies for running Ruby on Rails on OS X and it ships with...
September 27, 2005
Problematic dependencies: RedCloth 3.0.4 and Rake 0.6.0
Two of the frequent dependencies for Rails applications, RedCloth and Rake, both have problems in their latest releases. So you want to install the version just behind the latest. Install...