August 25, 2005
Don't look at Rails if you have to do .NET
Sam gives a word of caution to fellow .NET developers regarding Ruby on Rails: Once you write an application in MonoRail you’ll never want to go back to regular ASP.NET....
August 25, 2005
A guide for changing programming languages
So what’s Duane Gran to do? He clearly has the hots for Ruby on Rails: If your group develops web-based applications, you need to know about Ruby on Rails. It...
August 25, 2005
RailsAppHosting partners with TextDrive
RailsAppHosting is an incredibly promising turn-key hosting environment that makes it a snap to setup a new application complete with database and subversion repository through a web interface. What won...
August 25, 2005
10 Reasons Rails Does Pluralization
In the interest of world peace, here follows 10 explanations to why Rails does pluralization. Pick the one that’ll make you the most calm: A point of argument: Pluralization is...
August 24, 2005
Making an Ajaxified spellchecker with Rails
Dee Zsombor has a great new article on how to use Aspell and Rails to create a Ajaxified spellchecking service that’s fast and tiny.
August 24, 2005
Driver wants in on Ruby on Rails
Obie Fernandez retells a cute story from the VP of Marketing at ThoughtWorks, John Guerriere, who met an upcoming Rails developer as his driver to the airport: john: i was...
August 23, 2005
One more job: Work for Alonovo Labs
Alonovo Labs is also looking for a Ruby on Rails superhero. Preferably in Phoenix or Northern California, but telecommuting for the right superstar is available.
August 23, 2005
Jobs, jobs, jobs: Hiring Ruby on Rails is hot
You take off for just a little vacation and come back to an inbox stuffed with job offers for Ruby on Rails: LookSmart, based in San Francisco, is putting their...
August 23, 2005
A List Apart 4.0 uses Ruby on Rails
A List Apart is an institution in web design. I’ve learned more than a few tricks over the years from this venerable magazine and its therefore with great honor that...
August 23, 2005
Comparing WebObjects to Ruby on Rails
Deirdre recently gave a presentation at BarCamp that compares the implementation of the same application in Apple’s WebObjects to Ruby on Rails. It includes this graph that contrasts the code-base...