July 19, 2005
Two UK companies looking for Rails programmers
The population of professional Ruby on Rails developers is calling for growth: Revieworld are looking for a Ruby on Rails developer to start in August. They’re based in Waterloo. ReThink...
July 19, 2005
200+ professional Rails programmers across 33 countries
In just a few days, the list of people working professionally with Rails to earn “…a substantial or full paycheck” has blazed past 200! It includes programmers from 33 countries....
July 19, 2005
Financial services firm desire Ruby on Rails skills
Cincom Smalltalk has long touted the Kapital system at JP Morgan (PDF) as an example of what an edge in productivity can mean for profits in financial services. So, it’s...
July 18, 2005
8th slashdotting ticks in on 'Room for both?'
The Struts/Hibernate vs Rails comparison from a while back is the latest fresh stuff at Slashdot. This marks the 8th Slashdotting of Rails. Coming up on the big 10 soon...
July 18, 2005
Where are the hours wrestling with JavaScript in venkmann?
Jaikoo is longing to feel like a man again. And nothing like doing long hours debugging impossible JavaScript has that feel of a hard day’s work: In fact its so...
July 18, 2005
The Rails weblog moves to Typo (finally!)
When we originally launched rubyonrails.org, none of the Rails-based blogging engines were really up to the task of running the show. But with the appearance of Typo and it’s massive...
July 14, 2005
David Geary demonstrates Rails at Denver Java User Group
David Geary did a cool demonstration of Rails yesterday at the Denver Java User Group by getting a member of the audience, unfamiliar with Rails, to do the demo for...
July 13, 2005
Working professionally with Rails?
We’re trying to get a sense of who and where people are doing commercial work with Rails. So is the framework paying at least a substantial part of your bills?...
July 12, 2005
Productize your application from a common base
Duane Johnson has a great how-to on productizing your application. Which basically means that you have a core application that you need to tailor ever so slightly for each customer....
July 12, 2005
Integrating Wee components in Rails applications
Michael Neumann has released a new version of Wee, which allows for integration of its components with Rails applications. He wrote up a small tutorial on how to do it...