July 5, 2005
Not knowing where it hurts in ASP.NET
Demetrius Nunes is feeling the pain of going back to maintenance on an ASP.NET project after spending considerable time in Ruby on Rails. He writes about why there might not...
July 4, 2005
Rolling with Ruby on Rails in Japanese
The lovely tanabe has translated the also lovely Curt Hibbs’ excellent Rolling with Ruby on Rails article to Japanese. Great work. Both of you.
July 4, 2005
'These folks have their priorities all wrong'
Brian McCallister is frustrated that Ruby on Rails is taking away his joyful life as a tool smith. Always creating new libraries and frameworks. Now with all that stuff taken...
July 4, 2005
\'You\'re probably sick of hearing this\'
Luke Sutton can’t help but share his recent discovery: OK look, I don’t wanna seem like a total fan-boy and I know the hype has been almost too much. I...
July 4, 2005
Rails Day winners have been found
The 24 hours allotted to create an interesting Rails application from scratch yielded a ton of create entries to Rails Day. The three winners have now been declared, along with...
July 2, 2005
'Agile development seems natural'
Joe O’Brien is teaching Ruby on Rails to the consultants at his company and is especially enjoying how the language and framework two-pack makes agile development so natural: Ruby and...
July 1, 2005
Ruby on Rails running on a Zaurus PDA
From our Japanese friends comes a great series of pictures showing Ruby on Rails running on the Zaurus PDA! Rails has gone mobile, baby. That’s pretty darn cool. In a...
July 1, 2005
Rico does scrolling table on top of Prototype
Sam Stephenson and I met the Sabre team at the O’Reilly/Adaptive Path Ajax Summit a few months back. Their presentation of a scrolling table was part of their very nice...
June 30, 2005
'Rails is one of those economy changing tools'
Pelle from Stake Ventures augments Joe Kraus’ It’s a great time to be an entrepreneur with the notion that on top of cheaper hardware and free infrastructure, we also have...
June 30, 2005
Ruby on Rails making inroads in corporate America
Bank of America must surely be the archetypical corporate America company. The kind that puts the e, n, t, e, r, p, r, i, s, and e in Enterprise. Ruby...