Congratulations to Scott Barron for pursuing the life of the independent consultant. Especially so, of course, because he’ll be doing it as a Ruby on Rails specialist. We already have...
If form-based authentication is a bad fit for your application, you might consider using good old HTTP authentication. It’s really easy too. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Hero Coders shows you...
Tobias Lütke’s blogging engine Typo is storming ahead with good stuff lately. He recently implemented even-prettier URLs and Ajaxed the comments section. Now Patrick Lenz has brought the web service...
Jarkko Laine is spreading the good word of Rails all around Finland. He’s doing a guest lecturer about Rails at Tampere University of Technology and he just spotted a nice...
Sacha Ebach shows you how to deal with multi-lingual applications in Using Gettext to translate your Rails application. It’s a complete guide talking about what tools you need, the structure...
Jon Udell discovers Ruby on Rails and shows special affection for Active Record in Separating code from its environment: I’ve only scratched the surface of Ruby, but when I recently...
Xavier Defrang has been following the heated arguments about Rails for some time and got fed up with a bunch of “…bogus statements (FUD?) and issues raised in the TSS...
The rise of small outfits building big things on constrained budgets is the theme of a Reuters story carried by Yahoo! News. It includes a quote by Tim O’Reilly and...
Rob Harwood spotted this very interesting trend from Alexa describing the rise of Ruby reach as Rails enters the scene: Harwood interprets the correlation: Forget the hype over Rails —...
Kudos to Justin Gehtland for landing Rails its 3rd Slashdotting with his level-headed article comparing Java/JSTL/Spring/Hibernate/MySQL stack application to the somewhat equivalent in Rails.