March 11, 2005
The story behind Rails at O'Reilly
Jason Fried from 37signals talks about the origins of Rails with Marc Hedlund from O’Reilly: Ruby on Rails is the open source web application framework we extracted from Basecamp. When...
March 10, 2005
Rails developer with Java chops wanted
Jason Wong from ionami in San Francisco wants to hire a Rails developer with Java chops to help him through the transition from Java to Ruby on Rails: ionami is...
March 10, 2005
Swiss InfoWeek looking for Rails writers
Editor Andreas Ahlenstorf would like to print an article on Rails in the Swiss IT magazine InfoWeek: I’m looking for somebody who would like to write an article about Ruby...
March 10, 2005
Collective Prose: Picture a coffee shop..
Vinu Murugesan just launched a Collective Prose. A pretty interesting application for experimenting with collaborative writing: Collective Prose is a place “where you can share your thoughts, learn new things,...
March 9, 2005
Let's Ajax, baby!
Just a heads-up. Honey, the next application from 37signals, is using a lot of Ajax techniques to get a spiffy and responsive interface. I’m already well underway in the process...
March 9, 2005
The power of readable metaprogramming
Oliver Steele is Chief Software Architect at Laszlo Systems and he’s digging into Ruby on Rails: During my last vacation it took about five lazy vacation days with Ruby on...
March 9, 2005 will rise from the ashes
Bruce Williams is promising the return of, which used to be the preferred paste site in #rubyonrails before it went away. For a long time. But now it’s coming...
March 8, 2005
Picking platforms based on performance
Chris Petrilli talks about the delusions of grandeur that lots of programmers indulge in when they pick an environment based on performance concerns: Write in whatever language you feel most...
March 8, 2005
Tobias updates Hieraki, Typo, and more
Tobias Luekte has been a busy bee lately. In his week worth of updates, he writes about updating Hieraki and Typo to Rails 0.10 and a bunch of goodies for...
March 7, 2005
Ease of development, speed of execution, pick two
Justin Gehtland has been working on an application using the Java/Spring/Hibernate/JSTL stack for about 5 months. He started redoing it in Rails as an experiment and found something surprising: I’ve...