Daryl discovers Ruby on Rails: Ruby on Rails is unbelievably good. It’s too good to be true almost… Quite honestly, in an afternoon I built a completely working web application...
Zed Shaw put together a simple proof of concept application in a couple of hours to demonstrate the possibilities for rich clients in Rails and XUL. Being XUL, it naturally...
On July 24th of last year, Rails 0.5 was released through RubyForge. It mustered 357 downloads in just five days. Today, fifteen releases later, we’ve pushed more than ten thousand...
Derek Sivers have just announced that CDBaby.com is about to embark on an application rewrite that’ll replace the 90,000 lines of PHP code with an alternative built using Ruby on...
Jamis has a nice article demonstrating how he decreased the reload time from 2.4 seconds to just 1.1 seconds on CGI access to his Gem Rails application: Rails’ preferred installation...
All the latest attention have spurred downloads of Rails to new heights and we just surpassed the 10,000th gem installation of Rails (not counting all the beta gem installs or...
Just as Patrick Lightbody recants his ill-guided charge, Geert Bevin — also involved with a Java web-framework, this time RIFE — picks up the torch and tries his best to...
Gately’s would like to dump their JSP-powered shop and upgrade to Rails. They’re looking for Rails talent to help them do just that: We need a developer who is proficient...
Patrick Lightbody is on the steering committee of the Java web-framework WebWork and not at all happy about all the attention Ruby on Rails is gaining. Apparently, it’s all terribly...
We’ve been part of a Slashdot posting once before, but this is the first time that Rails is actually the primary topic of one. So a proper welcome to all...