Ruby on Rails is already going strong on 43things. Learn Ruby is #2 and Write an application on Rails is #8 according to the 43things Zeitgeist. So if you already...
First things first: The Robot Co-op has launched 43things! Go check it out right now. It’s a portal for ambitions where you track the 43 things you currently want to...
Luis de la Rosa is predicting the highlights of 2005, which includes plenty of Java goodies, such as Eclipse and Java 1.5 by default on OS X Tiger (that would...
TextDrive is the official host for Ruby on Rails and as such gets all the action for cool integration efforts. We have a bunch in store that’ll turn the current...
Hamilton Verissimo captures the essence of what Ruby on Rails is about: On the other hand I’ve coded the Castle on Rails, which is based on Action Pack. I have...
Kevin Dangoor is getting out of J2EE development after four years of legacy mud and fear-driven technology choices. He has picked to start his new businesses on a dynamic language...
Jim Weirich has just released Rake 0.4.14 that includes the fix by Dave Halliday to cure test suite runnings with Ruby 1.8.2. You’ll want to grab this right away in...
Despite my initial resistance, Olivier Hericord pressed on and prevailed — against my own odds — to produce a remixed version of the new logo that was greeted by the...
Rails has absorbed ~219 patches since the ticketing went Trac around the release of Rails 0.7. That’s almost three patches applied per day. Quite the barn raising. Seems like we’re...