Thanks to Jim Freeze and Bill Kleb, we have excellent audio recordings of all the RubyConf talks. Together with the slides, you can at least get the sense of being...
The Burton Group teleconference on Ruby on Rails is now available for free (but you have to sign up). It’s a panel discussion between Dave Thomas, Dave Geary, yours truly,...
The TextDrive guys are gathering at The Field tonight in San Diego for the RubyConf attendees that are still in town. See the announcement on the TextDrive site.
Curt Hibbs has released Instant Rails for Windows. It’s a package of everything needed to get Ruby on Rails running on Apache and MySQL. It’s nicely done as just a...
Curt Hibbs is continuing his long-running series of articles for O’Reilly with What is Ruby on Rails? It’s a great overview of all the frameworks in Rails and what it...
Bruce Perens is working on model security for Active Record sponsored by Sourcelabs: I’ve developed ModelSecurity, a new Ruby on Rails facility that helps developers implement a security defense in...
Two more Rails jobs ticked into my mailbox today. One with Bluebin Industries in Los Angeles, another with a new Austin-based Start-up. If you got the Rails chops and is...
Rick Bradley shares a great case study on how his team replaced a partial J2EE solution that wasn’t moving the team forward fast enough with Rails. Result? A 20:1 reduction...
Jamis has a good run-down of the new plugin system that we’ve created for Rails. The implementation is silly simple, but its usage is powerful. The system is already driving...
In case the public, scheduled training programs doesn’t fit your organization, consider Relevance for on-site appointments instead. Justin Gethland and team offers a wide range of packages. Including a 2-day...