September 14, 2005
The eight steps of a Rails conversion
Brett at San Antonio Safe List recalls the process that he has seen folks with PHP, Python, Java, and DBA experience go through when meeting Rails: Everything is so weird....
September 14, 2005
Ruby on Rails: "it's fucking horrible"
This is a rare treat. Someone who actually gave Rails a good couple of hours, but couldn’t get anything done, and thus hates its guts: Well, I’ve found this: it’s...
September 12, 2005
Foopad: The Very Simple Wiki is a simple, hosted wiki done by Ben Nolan (the guy behind Behavior) using Ruby on Rails. It’s still early days and the WYSIWYG-editing seems to choke Safari, but...
September 12, 2005
Ruby on Rails rides into Asterisk on RAGI
Asterisk is the open-source PBX that makes the phone an interesting and hackable device again. But the UI is more than a little geeky, which is where RAGI comes in....
September 11, 2005
Need help testing Sybase and Firebird adapters
We have two new pending database adapters that could use some solid testing by people who have access to those engines. The first is a Sybase adapter by Will Sobel...
September 10, 2005
Fourth podcast with Jamis Buck interview
The fourth Ruby on Rails podcast was released yesterday. It’s an interview with Rails core and committer Jamis Buck conducted by Geoffrey Grosenbach. If you haven’t already signed up for...
September 9, 2005
The pragmatic approach to Rails adoption
In stark contrast to Panda, Dave Thomas presents the pragmatic approach to deciding between J2EE and Ruby on Rails. Using the full might of a J2EE stack to write a...
September 8, 2005
Oracle, Java Panda says LAMP doesn't scale
There was a time where I would have jumped in and attempted to educate a guy like Debu Panda. Now it’s more of a comical relief. Like when old people...
September 8, 2005
Matz manages Ruby team through Basecamp
Matz, the creator of Ruby, has signed up for a Basecamp account to help the committers team collaborate on the development of Ruby. What an honor. Note, the intentions are...
September 8, 2005
Ruby on Rails article in German Javamagazin
Ralf and Thomas has had their second article on Ruby on Rails published. This time its the German Javamagazin that even featured a highlight of the article on the cover....