ThoughtWorks is hiring people with design and development skills in Ruby on Rails in three cities down under: Melbourne, Brisbane, and Sydney. I met with their CEO and a select...
The DHTML-based WYSIWYG-editors are getting better and better. In the lead pack in the FCKEditor and Joshua M. Charles has just written a brief article on how easy it is...
We’ve had a lot of discussions of Rails as a disruptive technology, but now David Geary is focusing on explaining the growth (and imminent growth) through the lens of Gladwell’s...
Alonovo launched a little while back. It’s a market place that provides a way to do “socially-responsible shopping”. That is, buying from companies that behaves according to how you think...
Courtenay and bousquet are behind Cartographer that allows you to integrate Google Maps in your Ruby on Rails application with no effort. A few API tastes: <%= gmap(:mapname=>"my_map", :width=>"50", :height=>"120")...
Ryan Tomayko is a long-term Python guy in search of a web-development platform for his small tech company. His evaluation first went along the lines of safety vs freedom languages...
Demetrius Nunes has a very cool acts-as mixin ready for you in a single line. It allows you to do stuff like: class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_taggable end elephant =...
Justin Gehtland examines five benefits of Ruby on Rails to managers. He believes that not only does Rails change the game for developers, it also holds a significant impact on...
We suspected a pattern was emerging as IBM’s Sam Ruby first at OSCON reenacted the original joke from etech, then posted about the Rails Confidence Builder, and finally combined that...
Jarkko Laine has a tutorial up on how to use Ajax to do deletes and other dangerous methods through POST instead of GET. So you can sleep safe at night...