July 25, 2005
Rails book captures #23xx in sales rank on Amazon!
Despite the book being available in PDF form and as a bundle from the publisher directly, Amazon is still ringing up a bunch of orders for the forthcoming Agile Web...
July 25, 2005
Deliver better and enjoy more for the same amount
Spin Technologies traded in their ASP.NET/C# tools for a fresh set of Ruby on Rails to develop part of their Tasting Australia site. They liked the experience: Well, in the...
July 24, 2005
Happy birthday, Rails!
Rails was released one year ago. Can you imagine than its been that long? Or that short, really, considering how far we’ve come. What do you think it’ll look like...
July 24, 2005
Buy the language and framework, get practices for free!
John Nunemaker was already “happy” developing application in Cold Fusion and PHP, so why bother learning a new language like Ruby? Or so went his thinking, until he saw the...
July 24, 2005
Less infrastructure, more business logic
David from Canada is working on “…a web application to support restaurant/pub/bar managers in their efforts to schedule staff efficiently” using Ruby on Rails. He recounts his experience: Rails, and...
July 22, 2005
Moving from Cold Fusion to Ruby on Rails
Greg from Social Twister wants to hire Ruby on Rails developers to help the company move various Cold Fusion applications to their new platform. Greg writes about CF vs RoR:...
July 22, 2005
Naviance seeks Ruby on Rails developer in Denver
Naviance is building a “school technology platform …primarily in Ruby on Rails” and is thus looking for a senior Ruby on Rails developer to help them lead the effort. The...
July 20, 2005
Ruby on Rails podcast #2: Talking with Dave Thomas
Scott Barron has released the second Ruby on Rails podcast. It sounds a whole lot better than the first and there’s an even more interesting guest on the show: Dave...
July 20, 2005
Webmonkey introduces Ruby on Rails
Veteran web developer site Webmonkey has jumped on board with Getting Your Feet Wet With Ruby on Rails. A brief introduction to why you should care about Ruby on Rails...
July 19, 2005
Milestone: #rubyonrails on freenode tops 300!