Panel on Shift Level with CISO's Part - 1 with Anant Shrivastava and Patrick Pitchappa

Panel on Shift Level with CISO's Part - 1 with Anant Shrivastava and Patrick Pitchappa


Snyk helps software-driven businesses develop fast and stay secure. Continuously find and fix vulnerabilities for npm, Maven, NuGet, RubyGems, PyPI and more.


Vandana Verma Sehgal

Senior Developer Advocate, Snyk

Anant Shrivastava

Technical Director, undefined

Patrick Pitchappa

Director, Information Security & Risk, undefined

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Snyk ist eine Developer Security Plattform. Integrieren Sie Snyk in Ihre Tools, Workflows und Pipelines im Dev-Prozess – und Ihre Teams identifizieren, priorisieren und beheben Schwachstellen in Code, Abhängigkeiten, Containern, Cloud-Ressourcen und IaC nahtlos. Snyk bringt branchenführende Application & Security Intelligence in jede IDE.

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