This week I’m happy to tell you about a new set of articles which will be appearing here on the Rails blog called “Community Highlights”. This new series will feature...
A Denial of Service vulnerability has been found and fixed in ruby. The vulnerability is due to the BigDecimal method mishandling certain large input values and can cause the interpreter...
A security problem has been reported with the digest authentication code in Ruby on Rails. This vulnerability can allow users to bypass your password protection. This vulnerability has been publicly...
A few months ago, we announced the creation of a “forum” to discuss the future of Rails and what the community is interested in. Since then, many important suggestions/topics were...
Xavier Noria (code) and José Espinal (design) have created an awesome code contributor index for Rails core submissions. It’s being updated automatically every night and tracks the number of commits...
Railsconf wrapped up last week, and I think we all survived Vegas. If you weren’t able to make the conference, there is plenty of video, slides, and blog entries to...
April 18, 2009 – April 24, 2009 Edge Rails has been undergoing major surgery for the past week, as the core team gets ready for a Rails 3.0 alpha release...
The Google Summer of Code program has announced this year’s funding winners, and Rails has four student slots. Here’s what our students will be working on this summer: Joshua Peek...