Application Security

In diesem Abschnitt

Enable Visibility for SecOps While Reducing Build and Runtime Application Security Risks

0 Min. Lesezeit

| Talk |

Amanda Veras, Solutions Architect, Trend Micro

Cloud-native application development has a wide range of advantages from boosting development efficiencies through technology and automation, to faster and more direct deployment communication and management.

DevOps introduced benefits to the application infrastructure, empowering engineers to move quickly and deploy apps more resourcefully. However, DevOps has also brought a new range of risks, to hybrid cloud platforms and application development.

Join me as I explain how I helped a top Brazilian bank, enable security for their cloud environments, serverless compute, and Kubernetes services allowing for streamlined protection. In this session, you will see a demo and learn how to reduce security risks and improve visibility across your containerized web applications.

Thirsty for more? Check out Snyk's DevSecOps Hub for resources and tips you can implement:

That's it for this collection!

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Snyk ist eine Developer Security Plattform. Integrieren Sie Snyk in Ihre Tools, Workflows und Pipelines im Dev-Prozess – und Ihre Teams identifizieren, priorisieren und beheben Schwachstellen in Code, Abhängigkeiten, Containern, Cloud-Ressourcen und IaC nahtlos. Snyk bringt branchenführende Application & Security Intelligence in jede IDE.

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